Friday, March 04, 2005

There' Snow-body as grown-up as youthworkers

This morning I woke up (for the third time having slept very badly grrr) and was not in the best of moods as I felt the day was going to hit me like a juggernaut. I had tonnes to do and nevertheless had to drive out to a meeting for the whole morning. *hrumph!* However, as I was preparing my brekkie it started to snow.



It was fab. My child-like glee only waned slighty at the thought of having to drive to the meeting in it but then the meeting was moved to within walking distance (faberoony!).

So I had a lovely walk through that amazing silence that you only get when i'ts REALLY snowing abundantly. I did Morning Prayer in church then headed off to the King's Centre where, bestest of bestest news, the other High Wycombe youthworkers and I decided that our network meeting needed to begin with a "Snowman/team building exercise"! Ok this deteriorated somewhat into a snowball fight but it was really cool, even when we got ambushed by some local young people!

Snow is JUST the best! Unfortunately we've since had a downpour of rain which washed it all away, then some hail and then some lightning all VERY exciting!

Well Girly night in tonight for me and housemate - 13 going on 30 and Princess Diaries 2 to watch whilst we pig out on Chicken Fajitas! Mexitastic joy!

1 comment:

Kris Bordessa said...

I love that you turned snowman building into team building!