Friday, December 03, 2004

The importance of being SaraH

OK this is just a quick one. I've had that rare opportunity to watch TV a lot as I've been off sick. This evening after the delights of Little Britain (Extremely funny with the bonus of Antony Stewart Head AND Nigel Havers appearing - does life GET any better???) I switched over to QI on BBC 2 with Stephen Fry, Alan Davis and guests. One of the discussions was about abbreviations used by doctors and nurses on patient notes. Now I have a friend who's a nurse so I knew about this phenomenon but I learnt a few new ones tonight. A special one for my friend William is NFN (normal for Norfolk!) but the one that rather unnerved me was SARA (Sexual activity related accident) Now, in true Anne Shirley style, I'm always fairly particular about the H on the end of my name and I get a little bit niggled when people miss it of. With this new knowledge, in future I will be even more insistent!!!

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