Friday, September 02, 2005

Holistic blogging

In the interest of holistic blogging, I’m including something which is very ME. It is not trendy it is not youth work related, it is not essentially demonstrating the spirituality of blogging but it is me.

My friend and I went to a prom this evening. Marvellous. Just fantastic.

Firstly we had a lovely meal in the Giraffe Café on Kensington High Street (we have plastic red giraffes from our alcohol free cocktails to prove it!) then a gentle stroll along to the Royal Albert Hall for the late night prom.

The Sixteen performed Wylkynson’s Jesus autem transiens / Credo in Deum, Cornysh’s Salve Regina and then a quartet of mellifluous wonder from Tallis: Nine Tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter, O nata lux, Gaude gloriosa Dei mater and the inimitable Spem in alium.

It really has been quite a week for music for me, reflecting my curiously mixed taste. The Works, Estelle, Simple Reason, Sounds of Salvation, the Marvin Gaye Service, Firefly, Jazz Jamaica, A Frank Sinatra evening and then a bit of choral heaven.

No matter how much trendy alternative worship I go to ( or indeeed run!) I still think that a well sung bit of Tallis takes some beating in given me that sense of God's kingdom on earth and renewing that still centre within me.

Another odd moment though. I knew that another friend had also booked for the concert and I met up with her to say hi but I think I also saw a guy called Giles I haven’t seen in eight years. It really has been a week for blasts from the past!


Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the concert. We listened on the radio up to the end of the Cornysh, which was wonderful. They are doing a similar programme in Oxford later in the year which we shall try to make sure we don't miss.
Tell us more about Giles!

Anonymous said...


Sarah Brush said...

I know alcohol free cocktials not exactly my style but we had to stay AWAKE because it was going to be very late.

Nothing more about Giles. I think I saw him in the promenaders section. I was in the front row of the stalls. Not sure if he saw me. I think he did but he didn't seem to be bothered to come over and say Hi so I just enjoyed the concert!