Sunday, July 24, 2005

Preach it brother!

Adrian Warnock has suggested that bloggers post about their favourite well-known preachers.

As Adrian suggests, I'm not going to include the preachers I probably know best but who are themselves not so well known. Otherwise I would, of course, mention Dave and Maureen and Peter. I find a good sermon something really inspiring and something I aspire to and ask God to bless me with.

So my top preachers that you may have heard of...

Br John of Taize who speaks with great biblical knowledge and yet a passionate energy for practical Christian action. His greatest gift is his humility about his own inspirational and insired ability.

Br Roger of Taize who, despite his great age and the brevity of his sermons, demonstrates an almost tangible Christian love when he speaks his simple and yet profoundly challenging messages.

(ok two Taize brothers first in the list - can you tell I can't wait to be back there? Only SEVEN DAYS to go - yay!)

Tony Campolo preaches with such energy and passion that you cannot fail to be provoked to action. His heart for social justice shines through his no nonsense setting for of the Christian gospel.

Bishop Stephen Cottrell blends a strong desire for evangelism with a deep theological learning and a gentle humour which engages his listeners so that they hear his message and carry it with them into their lives.

Now I'm a little distressed that this list doesn't include any women. This is certainly not to say tha I have never heard an inspiring woman preacher. Certainly not. However there are clearly fewer well-known or well-established female preachers.

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