Thursday, July 21, 2005

Check me out!

Thank you to all those who helped out with the worship question. Those of you still skulking in the shadows, I apologise for inflicting any sense of guilt!

I finally managed to get all the practical details of the youth holiday sorted today. That just leaves a few financial, spiritual and emotional things to do! I also have a talk for the children's club next week for the teenagers working with the young ones. The theme for the week is Star Wars tied in with the story of Joseph. Once I set my brain to it I'm rather loooking forward to that one.

Today however seemed a bit like a Felix felicis day (Hary Potter mark : p. 461) as I got lots done, had a good lunch with the local youth workers AND got a call from one of the DYAs asking for my expertise on youth work in a non-evangelical church context. THEN this evening we had a great time at choir. First with a game of Pulpit Pom-Pom with the junior choristers and then a wonderful time singing Tallis' If ye love me, a new (to us) Magnificat by Ralph Vaughan Williams and best of all Hubert Parry's My soul there is a country. Sheer heaven!

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