Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sun-a-rise Early in the morning!

Wednesday morning dawned ( I know because I saw it when the alarm went off AN HOUR EARLY by accident) with the return of the 7.15 am morning prayer and 7.30 am Eucharist. The year long vacancy had meant that we didn’t have morning prayer until 8am on a Wednesday which was early enough for me thank you VERY much. However a bleary-eyed youth worker wrapped in a massive coat (it’s so COLD when it’s early) set off at 6.55 this morning and won the yellow shirt of arriving before all the other early risers. Despite this good start I also won the “How many yawns can you get into one service of morning prayer” contest! There was also a certain amount of sniggering resulting from the reading from the last chapter of Job and the number of camels and donkeys which attested Job’s return to happiness!

The day continued with the bizarre trip out with the verger to buy a new loo seat for the gents’; toilet in the church hall. COULD we find one which was just normal not mahogany, silver effect or clear plastic with smarties, barbed wire or myriad oceania? Eventually Arguus came to the rescue but not before I had given in to the temptation of some new cushions on sale in Woolies!.

This evening is the PCC – oh joy oh rapture I hear you cry! – and I’m regaling the assembled company with some prayers and letters from St Cyprian of Carthage (being as it is his feast today!). I thought I would share them with you too as Cyprian seems to have been marvellously seasonal for his own feast date!

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