Monday, September 20, 2004

Greater love

Sunday seemed to be the musical day this week. In the morning I was cantor for the psalm at our main Sunday service (first time before a full non-summer congregation!) which was a little nerve-racking and I was literally quaking in my boots [as I was wearing my "I love them so much" black suede boots! :0)] but it seemed to go well. Intriguingly a long-standing member of the congregation said to my friend, "Sarah should be in the choir!" which was lovely despite the fact that I AM in the choir and have been for YEARS but, since I became the youth worker, I sit with my young peopel in the congregation not with with young people in the choir at our Sunday morning service. Bizarre however as I STILL sing wiht the choir at choral evensongs and this kind woman comes to evensong quite often! Ah well!

Indeed it was choral evensong last night with some fantastic music. Murril in E, Clucas responses (scrunchy goodness!), Batten's "O Sing joyfully" and to crown it all Ireland's "Greater Love hath no man than this" It was all amazing. I find that singing music like that or listening to it really does help me connect to God. I don't know if it's about using a God given skill in singing or if it's something more fundamental and "in the bones" but I know that it's amazing. Sometimes it just clicks and there's nothing wrong with the world.

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