Wednesday, September 08, 2004

A Brave New World

The church office is all abuzz this morning as our new rector is being inducted and installed tonight. This means that our year-long vacancy without vicar or any other clergy is finally coming to an end. This morning we shared Morning Prayer (without Eucharist) for the last time and tomorrow we will celebrate Morning Prayer followed by the Eucharist for the first time in fifty three weeks. It's rather an exciting time and as we wait expectantly for the future to begin it does rather feel like the air is pure caffeine as we're all quite hyper - well as hyper as the Church of England can get. I'm really looking forward to David starting as he's such a fun guy to be around and I really do think he's going to take the church in a wonderful new direction. However, for fifty three weeks I have been an autonomous youthworker with a "Licence to thrill". I've been able to do new things and come up with interesting ideas for our services and only had to tell people what I'm going to do... not ASK someone. Our youth holiday this summer involved some fantastic worship together and I'm planning on the group bringing some of that to the congregation but realisation dawned last week that I would have to ASK the rector if that was acceptable. I'll have to get used to being in that role again. Yet my time spent doing all kinds of parishy things that don't involve young people will also be much reduced so I might actually get time to read the stack of incredibly inspiring books I bought in Taize this summer. All in all it is a HOOBTASTIC day and the sunshine is helping a great deal. It's even making me forget the VAST to do list I have today in preparation for the youth events this week. Deo gratias!

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