Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Church as a foretaste of the kingdom

I went to the Reaching the Unchurched network conference a few weeks ago when Bishop Graham Cray spoke about the church being a foretaste of the kingdom and tonight it really felt that way.

We had an ecumenical meeting about a night shelter we're setting up in Wycombe this winter. 7 churches around the town will be offering their church halls as a place for homeless people one night a week: 7 teams in 7 church buildings 7 nights with one vision.

You might remember AGES ago that I went and volunteered at a night shelter in London and last year two of our teenagers went along and another small group of young people got together to make some fantastic soup for them to take.

This evening was all about the plan to make this happen in High Wycombe to.

Ok so there were a few little digressions into the nitty gritty of it all but overall it was a group of people fired up to get it all working not just on our own as willing volunteers but in partnership with local agencies and with plans for some great training for volunteers.

As one of the teenagers there said - It's what Jesus would do!

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