Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Interesting thing yesterday...

I discovered that I am not the only one who prefers to take of my glasses when I pray.

I think for me it's something to do with wanting to be "me" without extras, wanting to see "through my own eyes" (as Darth Vader said!) and not be distracted.

Obviously I can't do this when I'm leading prayers (as at my first leading of meditation at BCUC yesterday which went pleasingly well!) but any other time it's my clear preference.

Anybody else do the same or have some strange prayer preparation foible?


holyphil said...

i do that sometimes...

Anonymous said...

love that :D

ffew said...

Can't say I take off my glasses - probably because i don't wear them! I always change position to pray; when in a small group, I have to pray leaning forward with elbows on my knees, don't know why!

Paul Morriss said...

I pray with my eyes open. That thing you tell children - pray with your eyes close so that you don't get distracted - doesn't work for me. When I close my eyes my imagination starts working. Looking at the carpet helps me concentrate. Spooky, but true.