Saturday, February 25, 2006

Lord's Prayer stations (slightly updated)

This evening we had our town wide youth prayer event, Transformation and three of us organised some prayer stations based on the Lord's Prayer. I'm going to be putting something similar in the alternative worship section of All Saints for Lent.

Here are some samples from what we did:

Your Kingdom Come...
(Coldplay 'Til Kingdom Come playing in the background)
Look at the newspapers.
Do they reflect what you believe God wants for the world?
Pray about each of the situations and persons mentioned in the news
How does your community need to change to be more what God wants?
What can you do to bring this part of the kingdom closer to reality?

Help us create a wall of words and images for God’s Kingdom and for the things of the world not of God’s Kingdom.

Your will be done...
Why is it so hard to agree to God's will for us?
What call is God making on your life now?
Take a stick from the pot and find a passage of encouragement from the Bible.

Give us today our daily bread
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will
experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Why not eat a piece of bread as a way of remembering how God provides for all of our needs from day to day, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual?

Forgive us our sins
Wash your hands
As you wash your hands look at the lines on your hands.
As you wash away the dirt think of your sins being washed away by God.
Look at your clean hands. How does God want you to use them?
What other ordinary acts might offer you a chance to connect with God?
Write the things you want to confess on the paper and shred it...

For ever and ever

Table set up with a metronome a passage from Ecclesiastes 3 and Footprints plus this:

God's love for us is eternal not bounded by time as our lives are. The Celtic Christians used knotwork made up of one continuous line to symbolise God's eternity.

Using the instructions create some celtic knotwork to add to our display

More anon when I've got them set up again...


Andii said...

I've added this page to my page on resources for praying the Lord's Prayer at

I was trying to work out whether the lack of a 'hallowed be your name' or 'as we forgive those...' was an actual omission from the event or simply from your report. I'd love to be able to see the other ideas and even link to them, let me know if they are posted.

You might be interested to follow up some of the ideas in the book of the website I'm referring you to... ?

moog said...

There's some great ideas here!

Sarah Brush said...

Andii, these are just some of them as they were for our youth prayer event.

We're nearly finished setting them up in our north chapel for Lent.

Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Looking at this brought back the memories?? I did not even know it was happening, so life really does go on when you leave a place?!?!
Anyway, it sounds like it went well.