Friday, June 23, 2006

Changing lives

Ok so to respond to Phil G's accusation of non-blogging here's another wedding related one. I'm back to work tomorrow so possible no blogging for a few days and then maybe, you never know, there might even be some more youth minsitry/work related blogging.

However until then...

Thanks to our friends and family who gave us gifts from our Oxfam unwrapped list
some people in less privileged parts of the world have been given many things. As each one appeared through the post, Michael and I added them to a little story that we had of the people benefiting. I know it’s kinda cheesy but it made it easier for me to picture the benefit of people’s gifts. So here we go:

There is a village school with two fully trained teachers who have fifteen students fully kitted out.

The children and teachers have an essential hygiene kit, life saving buckets to keep their water clean and a fully functional toilet.

The children take it in turns to travel to school on the school donkey
along the road lined with a hundred trees

and when they get to school
there are two calves to give
them all some daily milk.

The children also benefit from supportive education for themselves and their families from the team who are dedicated to changing attitudes to violence against women.

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