Friday, December 09, 2005

The Lion King

Off to see The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe tonight with some of our confirmation group (despite one very disappointed boyfriend who was hoping to see it with me!).

Reliably as ever Matt has reviewed the film but I am a little wary of reading reviews in case it spoils anything. Obviously I know what HAPPENS not just in the end but pretty much all the way through but nevertheless I don't want to know which bits are the BEST bits or which bits are different from the book until I see it. I suppose because I DO know more than you normally might about a film I want those thigns which are a surprise to be just that. I want to maintain that air of MYSTERY. I mean an allegory (especially an allegory of the Easter Story) wouldn't be an allegory without some mystery!

Roland: "Who are you?"
Chaucer: "Lilium inter spinas; the lily among the thorns. Geoffrey Chaucer's the name, writing's the game."
(Blank looks from the group)
Chaucer: "Chaucer? Geoffrey Chaucer? The writer?"
Wat: "A what?"
Chaucer: "A wha- a what? A writer! You know, I write, with ink and parchment? For a penny I'll scribble you anything you want, from summonses, decrees, edicts, patents of nobility… I've even been known to jot down a poem or two, if the muse descends. Probably read my book? The Book of the Duchess?
(More blank looks)
Chaucer: "Fine, well, it was allegorical."
Roland: "Well, we won't hold that against you, that's for every man to decide for himself."
A Knight's Tale

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