Friday, July 27, 2007

Fresh Cafe 07

Fabulous couple of nights at Fresh Café with young people chilling (rather too literally in some of the downpours!) hanging out at the café, strutting on the dance mats, zooming on the snowboard, getting down on the singstar, getting moving on the volleyball and five-a-side football, getting artistic for our big art installation, reflecting in the labyrinth, rocking to the bands (Behaviour were just STONKING!) and generally exploring what MAKES LIFE MAKE SENSE to them.

There was time also for some deep conversations and some important conversations too.

This may not sound amazing but at the beginning of the second evening we had about 25% of the main tent that was useable and not literally underwater, the labyrinth tent had blown apart earlier in the day and most of the site was decidedly squelchy and clouds like these were looming around us!

Clouds over Fresh Cafe 3
Originally uploaded by Sarah Brush

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