Saturday, October 22, 2005

Mural high ground

Fabulous day painting the mural at High Wycombe CofE school. We watched it "nearly" rain all day though fortunately never really make it while we were there.

This painting day follows a scarily long process of design with the children of the school and with our
teenagers and it's still not entirely finalised but it was wonderful to see that white wall getting less white and I'm thrilled that we're going to have made a mark on
the place for many years to come.

All we have to do now is work out which two miracle stories to put in the boxes! We've got the Nativity, the Last Supper and Easter in three and two blank for the moment. We want a miracle story that is easily understood from a single picture.

Then when we're done there it's over to the adjacent wall for what had been planned to be the parables of Jesus but we're not so sure now! The wall has been refaced to create a completely different shape with a sep and a shelf which just cries out for something on split levels. I'm repressing the medievalist in me who wants to design a doom!

All exciting stuff

Then this evening we had a cool session picking tracks for our new youth band to start learning. Some of the tracks had to come with a warning

***Sarah WILL dance to this track - You have been warned!!!***

It is a sad truth that I have reached that age when at least SOME people think I'm not cool enough to boogey on down and strut my funky stuff and it isn't even my OWN children telling me - I thought I'd have at least until then to shake it on down!


moog said...

it's looking good, you were lucky with the weather, it was a real miserable afternoon up here in sheffield

Sarah Brush said...

Ah the blessings of living in the south!! It makes up for being called wussy southerners!

Anonymous said...

You could do turning water into wine - 2 cups 1 with wine and 1 with water and jesus' hands above them

An easy one to show in one picture would be jesus walking on the water

You could also draw fish and loaves of bread for the feeding of the five thousand

You could follow his life...birth, baptism, last supper, ressurection, ascension????? crucifixtion could be bad for lil kids.

Those ideas should keep you going!

Sarah Brush said...

Which Ben?